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Book an Appointment

If you're interested in booking an appointment with me, please fill out the form below and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. During the consultation, we'll discuss your design ideas and any questions you may have. I take pride in creating custom, one-of-a-kind pieces that are tailored to each individual client.​

Thank you for considering me as your tattoo artist!

Booking Process

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Fill out the form to get the process started. 

Please provide your Full Name, Email Address, and Preferred Pronouns.

Please provide me with your availability, ex Mondays after 5pm. If you have specific dates in mind, feel free to include those as well, just be mindful that I may not have specific dates available. 

Please provide me with what budget you're working with. For example, if you'd like to stay under $500, put that. If you don't have a budget to work with, go ahead and put "N/A"

Next you'll want to describe your ideas to me!

Please include a detailed description on what you're interested in getting. I will ask you for reference photos once I get the submission! Also include in the description where you're wanting the tattoo placement to be.

Lastly, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to list them for me! Then, pick what size you're looking to get the tattoo, and submit the request. 

Keep in mind that I do not currently work on any large projects or sleeves.

If you're just wanting to book a consultation, and not ready to set up an appointment for a tattoo yet, feel free to just shoot me an email!

Thank You!

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